Use this year’s bountiful cherry harvest to make an easy appetizer with goat cheese and thyme on toasted bread. You can even cook this on the grill – perfect for dining al fresco with a bottle of Compton Pinot Noir.



Sliced baguette (any bread is okay)

Cherries pitted and halved

Pinot Noir

Goat cheese (choose your favorite)

Prosciutto (optional)

Thyme (fresh or dried)

Salt and Pepper to taste

Olive Oil

Balsamic Vinegar


Sautéed Cherries: Save some of the cherries uncooked for garnish. Butter your pan on medium heat and toss in the halved cherries. Sauté for 1-2 minutes, then add a generous splash of Pinot Noir and cook for another minute. Stir in a generous glug of balsamic and a dash of thyme and let rest as you make the crostini’s. You can also cook the cherries in a pan on your grill.

 Crostini: Lightly brush both sides of the sliced baguette with olive oil

In Oven: Preheat to 400 degrees. Arrange on baking sheet lined with parchment paper. SET A TIMER to prevent burning. Bake for 5-7 minutes, flip over, and bake an additional 5-7 minutes until the slices are toasted to your liking. The crostini are done when they achieve a golden-brown surface with a lightly crispy interior. If you dare to broil, keep your eyes on it, and a quick 1-2 minutes each side may be all you need.

On a grill: Use grill tongs to flip the oiled bread to toast both sides. Remove from heat when you have the desired golden crispiness and appetizing grill marks.

Assembly: Take the still warm crostini and spread generously with goat cheese, layer on the Prosciutto and sautéed cherries, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with more fresh thyme, salt, and pepper to tase. Add a few fresh cherries on top